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Marcin Rechciński, MSc.

Marcin Rechcinski

I graduated in geography (specialisation: spatial management and regional development) and management sciences (specialisation: tourism management) from the Jagiellonian University. Currently, I am preparing my PhD thesis on conflicts connected with various legal forms of protected areas (Institute of Geography and Spatial Management JU, spec. socio-economic geography and spatial management). I have teaching experience, among others, in environmental aspects of spatial planning and landscape ecology. In the teamwork, I concentrate on conceptual and methodological issues, including spatial analyses. 

My main research interests, besides the field of conservation conflicts, concerns evolution of a nature conservation theory and frameworks of human-nature relationships. Both in my research and teaching, I often refer to the concept of ecosystem services and its derivates (e.g., Nature’s Contributions to People). 

Selected publications
Web of science journals

Strzelecka M., Rechciński M., Tusznio J., Akhshik A., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., 2021, Environmental justice in Natura 2000 conservation conflicts: The case for resident empowerment, Land Use Policy, 107, doi: 10.1016/j.lusepol.2021.105494 

Tusznio J., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A., Rechciński M., Olszańska A., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., 2020, Application of the ecosystem services concept at the local level - Challenges, opportunities, and limitations, Ecosystem Services, 42, 101077, doi: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2020.101077 

Rechciński M., Tusznio J., Grodzińska-Jurczak M. 2019. Protected area conflicts: a state‑of‑the‑art review and a proposed integrated conceptual framework for reclaiming the role of geography. Biodiveristy and Conservation 28(10), 2463-2498 

Strzelecka M., Rechciński M., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., 2017, Using PP GIS interviews to understand residents’ perspective of European ecological network Natura 2000, Tourism Geographies, 17, 5, 848-877 

Mączka K., Matczak P., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A., Rechciński M., Olszańska A., Cent J., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., 2016, Application of the ecosystem services concept in environmental policy - A systematic empirical analysis of national level policy documents in Poland, Ecological Economics, 128, 169-176 

Brown G., Hausner V.H., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A., Olszańska A., Peek B., Rechciński M., Lægreid E., 2015, Cross-cultural values and management preferences in protected areas of Norway and Poland, Journal for Nature Conservation, 28, 89-104 

Other publications

Szafraniuk A., Starosta M., Klimkiewicz M., Małecka U., Guzik M., Górniak A., Pawlusiński R., Rechciński M., Boćkowski M.D., Tratkiewicz D., Malinowska A., Zubel K., 2021, Polskie Parki Narodowe. Dlaczego w Polsce od 20 lat nie powstał park narodowy i jak to zmienić?, Polityka Insight, ClientEarth Prawnicy dla Ziemi,,1, 

Boćkowski M., Gołębiowska B., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Klekotko M., Rechciński M., Szkop Z., Tusznio J., Valasiuk S., 2020, Analiza społecznych i ekonomicznych uwarunkowań cennych przyrodniczo obszarów Pogórza Przemyskiego i Gór Słonnych, Fundacja Dziedzictwo Przyrodnicze, Kraków 

Rechciński M., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Tusznio J., 2018, Konflikty wokół polskich obszarów chronionych w artykułach naukowych o międzynarodowym zasięgu. Ilościowy systematyczny przegląd literatury, Przegląd Przyrodniczy, XXIX, 4, 50-72. 

Rechciński M., Balon J., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., 2017, Dane zastane – ocena użyteczności do badania konfliktów społecznych wokół obszarów chronionych w trzech skalach przestrzennych, Prace Geograficzne, 149, 81-100. 

Rechciński M., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A., Olszańska A., Peek B., Cent J., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., 2016, Is PPGIS always an effective management tool? Reflections based on the Tatra National Park case study [w:] Vasiljević D. (red.), Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas. Abstract book. 26–30 September 2016, Novi Sad, Serbia, 99-101 

Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A., Rechciński M., Olszańska A., Mączka K., Matczak P., Niedziałkowski K., Cent J., Peek B., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., 2016, Usługi ekosystemów na obszarach cennych przyrodniczo z perspektywy różnych grup interesariuszy, Instytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN, Kraków 

Mocior E., Nowak A., Rechciński M., Franczak P., Hibner J,. Krąż P., Tokarczyk N., 2015, Sunrise as a tourist attraction in the context of tourist motivation theory: a case study of the peak of Babia Góra (Western Carpathians), Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, 30, 109-121 

Paloniemi R., Apostolopoulou E., Cent J., Bormpoudakis D., Salomaa A., Tsianou M. A., Rechciński M., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Pantis J. D., 2014, Evaluation of policy instruments in promoting ecological connectivity [In:] Henle K, Potts S, Kunin W, Matsinos Y, Simila J, Pantis J, Grobelnik V, Penev L, Settele J (red.), Scaling in Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation, Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, 173-179, 

Rechciński M., 2013, Różnice w formach gospodarowania na obszarze Tatrzańskiego Parku Narodowego w świadomości turystów odwiedzających Dolinę Chochołowską [w:] M. Jakiel (red.), Środowisko geograficzne w badaniach młodych geografów, Wyd. IGiGP UJ, Kraków, 131-160 

Rechciński M., 2012, Diagnoza historycznych sytuacji konfliktotwórczych w parkach narodowych na przykładzie Gorczańskiego Parku Narodowego, Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu, 33, 135-143. 

Current research – principal investigator 

NCN (Preludium 10): Social conflicts and protected areas. Understanding the role of the form of nature protection. 

NCN (Etiuda 7): Social conflicts and protected areas. Study of relationships based on the example of Małopolska region. 

Research placements and trips

8th Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreation and Protected Areas (MMV) “Cooperation across borders and scales”, 26-30.09.2016, Nowy Sad (Serbia)
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department Of Geography, Tourism And Hotel Management
Is PPGIS always an effective management tool? Reflections based on the Tatra National Park case study.
Does Natura 2000 always mean an ecotourism potential? Application of PP GIS to the perception study of the tourist stakeholders’ values at the local scale of Natura 2000 municipalities

European Ecosystem Services „Helping nature to help us”, 19-23.09.2016, Antwerpia (Belgia) University of Antwerp, Co-producing of new knowledge through the maps – empirical examples from three-stage PPGIS focus group interviews with nature conservation experts and local leaders on the ecosystem services perception

27th International Congress for Conservation Biology, 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology “Mission Biodiversity: Choosing new paths for conservation”, 2-6.08.2015, Montpellier, Francja, Society for Conservation Biology. Rethinking the use of PPGIS in exploring perception of ecosystem services - How to assure data validity?

9th IALE World Congress „Crossing Scales, Crossing Borders: Global Approaches to Complex Challenges”, 5-10.07.2015, Portland, OR, USA. International Association of Landscape Ecology. Landscape as a double ecotourist asset - PPGIS support for analysis of ecotourism potential in peripheral municipalities in Poland.

6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas „Outdoor Recreation in Change - Current Knowledge and Future Challenges”, 21-24.08.2012, Sztokholm, Szwecja. Resrarch programme „Outdoor Recreation in Change”, gathering researchers from: Mid-Sweden University, University of Gothenburg, Karlstad University, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå University, Blekinge Institute of Technology and Örebro University.„Model of high-mountain hiking trails (via ferrata type) in Tatra National Park – A comparison between Poland and Slovakia in the context of the Alps”.