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Mariusz Boćkowski, PhD

Mariusz Bockowski

Research interests

I am a graduate of environmental protection (with a specialization in environmental biology) at the Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University, and of the English-language PhD Program in Biology at the Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University. My research interests have always been interdisciplinary in nature, being at the same time solidly rooted in the natural sciences, and have included: social and economic aspects of the implementation of the Natura 2000 network in Poland; building a system of nature conservation in Poland that would take into account nature protection outside protected areas and use the concepts of ecological corridor and green infrastructure; using the concept of ecosystem services in modern environmental management (nature governance). Currently, I am also directing my attention in the area of ecological economics and the practical implications that the need for nature conservation has on economic calculus and decision-making and participatory processes.

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

Boćkowski, M.D., Raymond, C.M., Plieninger, T. Grodzińska-Jurczak M. 2022. Towards forward-looking nature governance to meet conservation goals of Natura 2000 sites in the European Union: experts’ perspectives. Environment Development Sustainability.

Boćkowski M.D., Tusznio J., Rechciński M., Blicharska M., Grodzińska-Jurczak M. 2022. Ecosystem services approach in national park planning: factors influencing the inhabitants’ perspectives on local natural resources and protected areas. Preprint. DOI:

Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Krawczyk A., Jurczak A., Strzelecka M., Boćkowski M., Rechciński M.2020. Environmental choices  vs.  Covid-19  pandemic  fear –  plastic governance re-assessment. Society Register 4(2):49-66.

Strzelecka M., Tusznio J., Rechciński M., Boćkowski M., Grodzińska Jurczak M. 2020. Resident Perceptions of Distribution, Recognition and Representation Justice Domains of Environmental Policy-Making: The Case of European Ecological Network Natura 2000 in Poland. Society & Natural Resources, 34:2, 248-268.

Boćkowski M., Rogowski W. 2018. Wycena usług ekosystemowych oraz ich zastosowanie w rachunku ekonomicznym: praktyczne przykłady w zarządzaniu zasobami przyrodniczymi. Studia i Prace Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów 167, 37-64.

Boćkowski M., Cent J., Grodzińska-Jurczak M. 2017. Rola zielonej infrastruktury w ochronie różnorodności biologicznej i łączności ekologicznej w Polsce. Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą 73(2), 110-120.

Grodzińska-Jurczak, M., Boćkowski, M., Cent, J., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska, A. 2012. Problemy społeczno-ekonomiczne przy wyznaczaniu obszarów Natura 2000 w Polsce. TEKA Kom. Ochr. i Kształt. Środ. Przyr. O.L. PAN 9, 64–69.

Other publications

Szafraniuk A., Starosta M. Klimkiewicz M., Małecka U., Guzik M., Górniak A., Pawlusiński R., Rechciński M., Boćkowski M. D., Tratkiewicz T., Malinowska A., Zubel K. 2022. Polskie Parki Narodowe. Dlaczego w Polsce od 20 lat nie powstał park narodowy i jak to zmienić? Client Earth/Polityka Insight. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32398.48964.

Boćkowski M.D. (red.), Gołębiowska B., Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Klekotko M., Rechciński M., Szkop Z., Tusznio J., Valasiuk S. 2020. Analiza społecznych i ekonomicznych uwarunkowań cennych przyrodniczo obszarów Pogórza Przemyskiego i Gór Słonnych, Fundacja Dziedzictwo Przyrodnicze, Kraków. ISBN:978-83-950568-4-0.

Boćkowski M.D. (red.), Bara I., Baran D., Buchholz L., Chachuła P., Gierczyk B., Guzik W., Hordowski J., Kołtowska M., Kotlarczyk J., Kościelniak R., Kucharzyk S., Kujawa A., Melke A., Michalczuk J., Pagacz S., Sachanowicz K., Szary A., Tatoj K., Szczepkowski A., Walendziak J., Wilk T., Wiśniewski D., Witczuk J., Wolański P. 2018. Projektowany Turnicki Park Narodowy. Stan walorów przyrodniczych - 35 lat od pierwszego projektu parku narodowego na Pogórzu Karpackim. Fundacja Dziedzictwo Przyrodnicze, Nowosiółki Dydyńskie. ISBN:978-83-950568-2-6: 1-400.

Participation in scientific conferences

6th European Congress of Conservation Biology: “Biodiversity crisis in a changing world” SCB/CZU (poster presentation Prague, Czech Republic 2022)

Conference IGiPZ/UW “Landscape ecology – making the future, learning from the past” (online poster presentation, Warsaw, Poland 2022)

Conference IASNR “Sustainable Development in Practice:Integrating People, Place, and Policy” (poster presentation, San Jose, Costa Rica 2022)

Conference AWF/UEK „Społeczne funkcje obszarów chronionych” (oral presentation, Cracow, Poland 2022)

Conference "Social role of forest and natural environment" (oral presentation, Goluchow, Poland 2018)

II International Conference „Wisente im Rothaargebirge: From captivity to freedom – challenges for a returning species” (oral presentation, Bad Berleburg, Germany 2014)

Conference IOP PAN „Ochrona przyrody w Polsce wobec współczesnych wyzwań cywilizacyjnych” (poster presentation, Cracow, Poland 2013)

Courses and training

Course „Content analysis (qualitative and quantitative)”, Summer School of Data Analysis and Quality Research Methods, CAQDAS TM LAB Workshop, Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University (2019)

Course „Designing reliable and efficient experiments for social sciences”, PS Statistics, Glasgow, Scotland (2019)

Experience in research projects

Project Contractor for the Young Lab project "The Political Economy of Ecological Challenges: Towards Sustainable Forest Management", grant no. 1227.112.4889.2022

Coordinator and conductor of the quantitative field research in the OPUS 2019/35/B/HS6/01986 project "Does spending free time in the bosom of nature contribute to greater care for it? - research on the relationship between emotions and values towards rivers in rural areas"

The contractor of the survey in the project „Social conflicts and protected areas. Understanding the role of the form of nature protection.” (Narodowe Centrum Nauki, konkurs Preludium 10, 2015/19/N/HS4/00359)

Substantive coordinator of the research project "Analysis of social and economic conditions for the protection of environmentally valuable areas of the Przemyśl Foothills and the Słonne Mountains (agreement No. 01/07/Karpaty/2018 between Nature Heritage Foundation and WWF Poland. Realized within subsidy of Jagiellonian University No. N18/DBS/000003)